Don’t Miss a Beat

Get up to 6 free Toco’s when purchasing maternal and fetal Sonicaid® Transducers before the end of January*

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Confidently monitor FHR and maternal contractions even with high BMI expecting mums with our high performance ultrasound and toco transducers

High Performance

Huntleigh’s proprietary widebeam ultrasound technology and digital Doppler audio enable you to quickly locate a high quality trace of the fetal heart beat even in challenging assessments like early gestation* or a high BMI pregnant person.

Locate and Track

Our patented dynamic range-gating algorithms are constantly working to lock on to the fetal heart and reduce artefact, while minimising interference from maternal signals.

Reduced the need for FECG

Improve the comfort of those in your care by reducing the need for more invasive monitoring procedures.

Quick and easy to locate the fetal heart signals

Wide beam ultrasound technology has resulted in a wider, deeper, uniform beam shape, coupled together with TEAM3’s superb digital Doppler audio, enables clinicians to quickly and easily locate and maintain contact with the fetal heart beat. Especially when monitoring high BMI cases.

Our TEAM3 and fetal monitors incorporate unique patented technology to ensure accurate tracking in the most demanding of circumstances, minimising the requirement for invasive fetal ECG monitoring.

*for use with Sonicaid TEAM3 Fetal Monitors only.
*In the UK early gestation is defined as 26 weeks.