Sonicaid Team3 Series Fetal/Maternal Monitor
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Fetal Monitoring
Product Overview
Sonicaid Dawes-Redman CTG Analysis
Your Expert Eye
Huntleigh are the exclusive worldwide distributor (under the licence from Oxford University) for the genuine Dawes-Redman analysis developed by Dawes, Redman et al, at the University of Oxford.
Products produced by other companies will not have been validated against the University of Oxford’s unique database (where the system was and continues to be developed) and therefore will not perform in the same way.
What is Dawes-Redman CTG Analysis?
It is a unique software tool which provides a numeric analysis of the CTG trace and a robust interpretation based on the world-renowned Dawes-Redman Criteria.
This is the result of the largest study of its type ever undertaken, conducted by Professors Dawes, Redman et al, at Oxford University.
Why is it Needed?
• Because the traditional approach of assessing a trace by eye is based on highly subjective, opinion. This has repeatedly been shown to be a major problem.
• Because communication based on subjective opinion (“It looks a bit flat”), has also been shown to be associated with poor outcomes.
• Because training is often very limited
• Dawes-Redman Analysis can help by improving outcomes.
It is a powerful aid to pregnancy management and has the potential to avoid poor outcomes.
Increasing Efficiency
• With results in as little as 10 minutes it can speed up the time taken to perform CTGs.
Featured Video
Type : IFU
Type : Brochure Editions : Fetal Range
To help midwives, obstetricians and anyone who may use an antepartum CTG, the Dawes-Redman team are offering online sessions to Hospital Trusts and other healthcare establishments to train their staff in the use of the system.
Learn MoreThrough the Academy, we ensure that the Huntleigh people you depend on for support always have updated knowledge and skillsets to help you in the daily use of our equipment. So that you and people you care for get the most from our products, and every day can be a good day.
Explore Our Academy ResourcesHuntleigh offers comprehensive product service and support contracts which are designed to protect your investment.
Huntleigh Healthcare is pleased to be able to offer our service as an experienced and established repair facility for our Diagnostic Products Division’s equipment.
Huntleigh have experienced staff that have been repairing Huntleigh and Sonicaid™ equipment for many years, providing support for hospitals and support organisations.
Working in partnership, we aim to provide you with support wherever and whenever it’s needed.
For support in the first instance please contact your local distributor or agent, we are represented in many parts of the world with trained and experienced partners so provide a high level of quality support.
Huntleigh’s product range gives you a variety of ways to address your clinical challenges, but sometimes it can be tricky to know what solution is best. If you’re not sure, our team is always available to answer any queries and make sure you get the perfect solution for you.
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