Sonicaid Team3 Series Fetal/Maternal Monitor
Fetal/Maternal Monitor | Fetal Monitoring | Fetal Monitors
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Fetal Monitoring | Sonicaid Software Systems
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Product Overview
Sonicaid FetalCare3 Doctor’s Office & Clinics – Sonicaid FetalCare3 CTG Viewing & Archiving SystemDoctor’s Office/Clinic PC Based System
Building on more than 30 years of computerised CTG analysis, Sonicaid FetalCare 3 software is an essential tool for modern obstetric management. Running on a PC, it receives data from the fetal monitor via a cable connection.
Its computerized analysis allows clinicians to measure newly-recorded CTGs against the world-renowned Dawes-Redman criteria for normality. All recordings are electronically archived on the PC, and CTGs can be viewed on screen.
Features & Benefits
World Renowned Dawes-Redman Criteria
Sonicaid FetalCare is the only CTG analysis system in the world to incorporate the highly regarded Dawes-Redman analysis criteria developed at Oxford University.
Saves Lives
CTG interpretation is difficult and highly subjective – misinterpretation leading to inappropriate action costs lives. FetalCare provides a robust objective CTG analysis to improve quality of care and outcomes.
Saves Money
Poor outcomes are associated with high costs, particularly where resultant morbidity requires life-long care. Costs can escalate even further with litigation. Avoiding just one poor outcome will cover the cost of FetalCare many times over.
Saves Time
Traditionally, antenatal monitoring is undertaken for a fixed period, typically 20-30 minutes. FetalCare has been proven to reduce this to as little as 10 minutes with obvious cost and time benefits for clinicians and patients.
Clinically Proven
Over 70 peer reviewed papers on the Dawes-Redman analysis. Download our Bibliography from our Clinical & Educational section.
Type : Brochure Editions : Fetal Range
Type : Brochure Editions : Fetal Range
Type : Patient Guide Editions : Fetal Range
Type : Brochure Editions : Fetal Range
Type : IFU Editions : Sonicaid Software
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Huntleigh have experienced staff that have been repairing Huntleigh and Sonicaid™ equipment for many years, providing support for hospitals and support organisations.
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